Romax Technology

Romax Technology


If you’ve ever sat on a train, driven a car, traversed a building site, blended a milkshake, or paid an electricity bill, then the chances are you are in a chain of events that has been touched or shaped by Romax, its services or software.

As a global leader in software and services for rotating + electric machinery, we work with more than 250 organisations, and our existence depends on helping them develop the right product, at the right time, for the right people.  

Type d'entreprise: 
Motorsport, Engineering
Dans quels domaines recherchez-vous des candidats ?: 
Design Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Electronics Engineer, Lead Engineer, Applications Engineer
champs de spécialisation: 
Electrical Engineering / Electronics

Address information

Nottingham Innovation Park, Triumph Rd, Nottingham NG7 2TU

Company Locations